21 juillet 2022
UST 2022 - OBX
Fink and Kiernan Grab Victory in OBX, NC - United Skim Tour
Lucas Fink Backside Turn | Photo: Maggie Fernandez (IG) Lucas Fink of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil won the professional Men's division, and Casey Kiernan of Stuart, FL won the professional Women's division at the 2022 OBX SkimJam skimboarding competition on July 16th and 17th at Jennette's Pier in Nags Head, NC.
Lucas Fink Backside Turn | Photo: Maggie Fernandez (IG) Lucas Fink of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil won the professional Men's division, and Casey Kiernan of Stuart, FL won the professional Women's division at the 2022 OBX SkimJam skimboarding competition on July 16th and 17th at Jennette's Pier in Nags Head, NC.