6 octobre 2021
Orange County souillé
Marée noire en Californie : un désastre écologique irréversible - Surf-Report
Ce week-end, les côtes de Californie du sud ont connu une nouvelle marée noire dramatique. Alors quen juillet dernier létat américain a connu lincendie le plus dévastateur de son histoire - 190 000 hectares de territoire ont brûlé dans le nord de la Californie - cest maintenant son littoral qui est ...
Ce week-end, les côtes de Californie du sud ont connu une nouvelle marée noire dramatique. Alors quen juillet dernier létat américain a connu lincendie le plus dévastateur de son histoire - 190 000 hectares de territoire ont brûlé dans le nord de la Californie - cest maintenant son littoral qui est ...
Laguna Beach closes city beaches as oil slick comes ashore - Laguna Beach Local News
Laguna Beach closed all city beaches Sunday night as officials braced for oil to come ashore from a 13-square-mile oil slick, according to a city press release. A sheen created by a spill of at least 126,000 gallons from an oil pipeline was floating about half a mile off Laguna Beach by Sunday night, Mayor Bob Whalen said.
Laguna Beach closed all city beaches Sunday night as officials braced for oil to come ashore from a 13-square-mile oil slick, according to a city press release. A sheen created by a spill of at least 126,000 gallons from an oil pipeline was floating about half a mile off Laguna Beach by Sunday night, Mayor Bob Whalen said.
Laguna Beach awaits oil at beaches, marine protected areas in limbo
LAGUNA BEACH, Calif. - It's one of the most beautiful - yet saddest days in Laguna Beach for Locals for Laguna Beach founder Jason Garza as he watches the waves roll in on a desolate shoreline outside the Surf and Sand Resort. "Immaculate conditions and not a soul in sight," Garza said.
LAGUNA BEACH, Calif. - It's one of the most beautiful - yet saddest days in Laguna Beach for Locals for Laguna Beach founder Jason Garza as he watches the waves roll in on a desolate shoreline outside the Surf and Sand Resort. "Immaculate conditions and not a soul in sight," Garza said.